Polyvinyl Chloride

PVC- Rigid has a high chemical stability and excellent fire resistance (it is self-extinguishing). PVC-Rigid belongs to the category of thermoplastics and has an amorphous structure, has a high solidity and a high modulus of elasticity. It has excellent electrical characteristics, especially in the field of low voltages and frequencies.


PVC- Rigid 

It is used with temperatures between –10 ° C and + 60 ° C. Up to temperatures of 60 ° C, rigid PVC is stable to most diluted or concentrated acids.

Rigid PVC is inert on the physiological side. It is a good electrical insulator and absorbs little water, it is also possible to weld and glue it.


Mechanical, chemical, electrical sectors, mainly used in the construction of tanks for industrial plants, suction hoods, scrubbers, gears, forced pipes for water and the chemical industry, drain and drain pipes, and general plant engineering for the treatment of waste water.