Techtron® PPS

Polyphenylene Sulfide

PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) products offer the broadest resistance to chemicals of any advanced engineering plastic. They have no known solvents below 200 °C (392 °F) and offer inertness to steam, strong bases, fuels and acids. Minimal moisture absorption and a very low coefficient of linear thermal expansion, combined with Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials’ proprietary stress relieving processes, make these PPS products ideally suited for precise tolerance machined components. In addition, PPS products exhibit excellent electrical characteristics and are inherently flame retardant.



Techtron® HPV PPS

Techtron HPV PPS (colour: deep blue) demonstrates an excellent combination of properties including wear resistance, load-bearing capabilities and dimensional stability when exposed to chemicals and high temperature environments.
Techtron HPV PPS is found in applications where PA, POM, PET and other plastics fall short or where PI, PEEK and PAI are over-engineered and a more economical solution must be found.

Thanks to the uniformly dispersed internal lubricant, Techtron HPV PPS exhibits an excellent wear resistance and a low coefficient of friction. It overcomes the disadvantages of virgin PPS caused by a high coefficient of friction and of a glass fiber reinforced PPS which causes premature wear of the counterface in moving-part applications.
Techtron HPV PPS can be used in all kinds of industrial equipment such as industrial drying and food processing ovens (bearings, rollers, …), chemical process equipment (pump-, valve & compressor components) and electrical insulating systems.

Techtron HPV PPS (rods, plates, tubes) is available as a “Food Grade”.


Product data sheet Techtron® HPV PPS